Run sun studies to find the best locations for plants
With 3D Rendering capability of Interior and Landscape designs BIM can show the effects of varied lighting conditions which adds pragmatism and offers a dynamic impact to the 3D model and shows the impact of sunlight / artificial light / shadows on the model.
A Virtual panorama can be obtained by fusing Interior and Landscape 3D Models of views from different points of view. This will produce a flawless view that can be visualized interactively from a number of different perspectives.
The ability to visualize existing, modified, and proposed buildings, landscapes, and cities in their BIM provides real geographic location which is crucially valuable in making informed design decisions.
Integrated Plant Database makes selecting the right plant a breeze
Qucikly place multiple plants along polylines, or create complete planting areas with fills
A wide array of objects to compliment the Landscaping Plan