What’s new and improved in Revit 2025.3
Revit 2025.3 is the updated version of Autodesk Revit which enhances user’s experiences and productivity by using its new features. The Revit 2025.3 Updates are cumulative and do not support uninstallation. In the case of applying Revit 2025.3 Updates in Rebit 2025, the Revit software cannot be reverted to its previous stage. The new product enhancements, the reported issues of customers, and the product instabilities are addressed by this Revit 2025.3 update.
Here are the new and most interesting features of Revit 2025.3:
Managing Revit Add-Ins
Autodesk has released its own version of the plugin manager which is called "Add-Ins Manager". This tool can be found in the Manage tab. This Add-Ins Manager helps to allow the users to identify all the installed add-ins of each version of Revit. The users can enable or disable individual add-in features in this updated version before opening the Revit software. The users also have more visibility on the critical insights such as the load time of the add-ins which helps to save time for the users to get to work in the Revit software.

Revit Add-In Manager
Spell check-in features
The In-canvas spell check of Revit 2025.3 is effective in improving the documentation process. In the case of the designers adding keynotes or texts, this feature has the ability to keep particular documentation free from any kind of typos and misspellings. Thus, this new feature helps to improve the overall quality of the project and adds professionalism to the designer’s project. In this case, the users do not depend upon any kind of spell-check tools or they do not need to proofread their designer work for errors manually at every time thus Revit 2025.3’s spell-check features ensure documentation accuracy. This new feature also helps to provide real-time feedback to the designer according to their types of the design.
Productivity enhancement to edit compound elements
By using Revit 2025.3, users can duplicate the layers in the Edit Assembly dialog. Users are able to duplicate layers for all types of compound elements including floors, roofs, ceilings, walls, and toposolids. In previous versions of Revit, users needed to create and add wall definitions and reposition the layers manually which was more time-consuming, and also there was the chance of numerous errors. By using the duplication capability of Revit 2025.3, users can easily copy layers quickly along with the associate properties. These capabilities ensure the accuracy and consistency of the different compound elements. Therefore, the efficiency in creating and modifying the complex assemblies has been improved with the help of the Revit 2025.3 update.
The export status of the PDF
In this new version of Revit 2025.3, users can export a PDF in the background when they are working on a model in this software. A status bar for the export of PDFs has been added to this Revit 2025.3 update. The progression of the PDF export process can be also optimized by the user with a single click.

PDF export status in Revit 2025.3
Room tags and room reference line recenter
Another feature has been added in Revit 2025.3 which helps to speed up the design process and helps the users to complete their designs in between deadlines. The users are able to realign room reference lines efficiently and are also able to resign with the room tags to the center of the room geometry.
In Revit 2025.3, the reference line of all rooms can be moved. These reference lines can end up in random places in the rooms which are far from the center. The room tags can also end up at the corner of the rooms in Revit instead of ending up in the room center. In this updated version of Revit, the designer can go to the room dropdown menu and select the "re-center reference” instead of adjusting the room reference line one at a time which impacts all rooms in an active view.

Re-center room tags
IFC Export
IFC export is the option in the Revit 2025.3 which can be set by the users in the IFC exporter. In the previous Revit versions, bars and IFC exports can be exported in singular elements. This is difficult to work with rebars in the software including Navisworks. In Revit 2025.3, all quantities of bars in the set can be exported.
Other extra features of Revit 2025.3
New Dynamo
New Dynamo is another feature of Revit 2025.3 which is the updated Dynamo Core to version 3.2.2.
Plan Region
Plan Region has the ability to cut DirectShape geometry.
User interface
The minor user interface is also available in Revit 2025.3.
To get online demonstration, watch the following video tutorial.
Video Source: BIM Pure
Electrical circuits
This new feature helps to improve the panel connection dialogue and helps to include the panel name along with the issues.
Structural Loads
This feature is used to improve the experience of the users to define and manage the load cases and combinations of the designs.

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