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LOD (Level of Development) in BIM & Difference between Levels of Details

Speaking about the Level of Development (LOD) a number of old articles provide an excellent summary of the development and history of LOD.

With the information in those papers, it is possible to date the earliest LOD usage to 2004 by a business that develops software for construction analysis. At that time, they employed a method that was similar to a LOD to link digital models to project costs.


The Building Information Modeling Protocol Exhibit first established the five-level notion of Stages of Development in 2008. (LOD 100 - LOD 500).

These texts were accepted as reference resources by other nations, including Australia, Canada, Singapore, etc. Variant standards have also been established in other nations with minor variations.

The LOD standard serves as a benchmark for the 3D models' level of accuracy and detail. Architects, engineers, and contractors all utilize it as the industry standard. As a means of ensuring quality in the process of building design and construction, it is currently being implemented by an increasing number of nations.

About the LOD (Level of Development)

Creating and maintaining information about a building or infrastructure project digitally is called BIM (Building Information Modeling). The level of development (LOD) in BIM describes the level of accuracy and detail of the model during the course of a project.

The LOD is determined by the amount of data collected and the level of accuracy of that data. As the project progresses, the level of detail in the model increases and the accuracy of the data is improved. This allows for more informed decisions to be made during the project.

The Level of Development also serves as a reference for experts in the AEC sector as they create Building Information Models (BIMs) at various stages of their projects' lives.

By using the Level of Development as a benchmark, experts can gain insights into what information is needed at each stage, allowing them to make more informed decisions and create higher-quality BIMs.


Unless LODs are defined or the appropriate personnel is assigned, it is quite common for BIM to result in unneeded field changes. When used in a BIM model, Levels of Development have many benefits. Here are a few to consider:-

1. Working together on the same page makes it easier for all the project's stakeholders to avoid discrepancies that might hurt their chances of success.
2. Collaboration and communication are made simpler and quicker when all parties are on the same page.

3. Designers can give recommendations and data for employees working downstream to guarantee there are no errors in execution or maintenance by using standard specifications and comprehensive information about all the pieces.
4. LOD makes it simpler for design managers to better communicate with the teams at different stages of the design process about the needs of a 3D model.
5. LOD also makes it simpler to specify requirements for contractors who are responsible for BIM execution.

Difference between the Level of Detail and Level of Development

Level of Development

The quantity of information that is pertinent to the project's actual development is referred to as the BIM model's level of development.

It refers to how thoroughly the geometry of the element and any related information has been considered, and how much the project team may rely on the information while utilizing the model.

Level of Development

A BIM implementation plan is drafted during conceptualization by the Implementation team. It explains the plans and strategies that underlie the implementation of BIM so that the team can make informed decisions regarding future changes and understand the reasons for implementing it.

If BIM control is not exercised correctly, the business may end up with a complex and less efficient process compared to existing work modes. As long as all possible risks are remembered and mitigated as needed, the project will stay on track.

Level of Detail

The total quantity of information that the BIM element holds is referred to as the degree of detail. It basically refers to how much information is included in the model piece. The two ideas overlap if all of this information is pertinent to how the building project is set up.

Level of Details vs. Level of Development

Simply expressed, "Level of Development" relates to both the information (properties) of the item and its graphical representation, whereas "Level of Detail" refers just to the graphical depiction of an object.

The quantity of information given to the model element is gauged by the level of detail. The underlying presumption is that all information presented is pertinent to the project and can therefore be relied upon because it is merely a measure of quantity.

The level of development indicates how well the element's shape and associated data have been thought out. In essence, the Degree of Development is a trustworthy output, whereas the Level of Detail is an input to the element.

Stages of BIM?s Level of Development

In BIM, there are usually five stages, which are commonly referred to as the following:-

To get online demonstration, watch the following video tutorial.

Video Source: Balkan Architect

1. LOD 100: The model is used to depict fundamental architectural components including walls, floors, roofs, and doors at this conceptual level. It could have some ill-defined geometry and fundamental spatial connections.
2. LOD 200: Detailed parts such as columns, beams, and windows are included in this level of the model, with their estimated amounts, sizes, forms, and placements.

3. LOD 300: At this level, the model has even more particular information, such as precise amounts and locations as well as distinct product categories, sizes, and forms. It also contains details on how the various components will be put together and work together.
4. LOD 400: At this level, the model contains details on the manufacture and assembly of the building components, including connections, tolerances, and particular installation specifications.
5. LOD 500: At this level, the model contains as-built data, such as specifics like maintenance schedules and operating instructions.

The LOD levels let project teams establish the amount of detail needed at various phases of the project and make sure that all project stakeholders are aware of what level of information is anticipated in the BIM model.

LOD (Level of Development) in BIM & Difference between Levels of Details