About Steel framing contractors

Residential steel framing utilizes cold-formed steel members for walls, floors, and/or roofs. The framing members are C-sections with standard dimensions similar to wood framing studs. Steel framing can be a cost effective alternative to wood framing.

Steel mills produce galvanized sheet steel, the base material for steel members. Sheet steel is roll-formed into shapes used for framing. The sheets are zinc coated (galvanized) to prevent corrosion. Although there are a variety of shapes available, the primary shapes used in residential construction are the C-shape stud and the U-shaped track. Framing members are generally produced in thickness of 12 to 24 gauges with 3-½ and 5-½ widths.

Manufacture of steel framing members adheres to strict tolerances, which results in consistent strength, straightness, and dimensionally stable members. Steel framing provides excellent design flexibility due to the inherent strength of steel, which allows it to span longer than wood, and also resist wind and earthquake loads.

Even on a clear day, atmospheric moisture vapor will penetrate the exterior of a home to some degree, including siding and brick veneer. Siding and veneer prevent water droplet penetration. Wall sheathing prevents water vapor and droplet penetration into the interior of the building. Wall sheathing is the second line of defense, behind siding or veneers.

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