Revit 2015 R2 Dimension API Demonstration
These are some of the main themes addressed by this release of the Revit product. You will recognise them from previous years as well:
- Construction - Modeling and detailing solutions for construction and fabrication
- Analysis + Simulation - Predicting building performance and behavior
- Scalability - Supporting projects and teams of any size and complexity
- Interoperability - Leveraging the Autodesk portfolio and industry standards
- Productivity - Providing increased value for existing customers
These product themes obviously strongly influence the API development as well.
Now we turn to the main two aspects of interest to application developers: application porting, discussing changes affecting existing applications, and the exciting area of all the new API features added in this release.
New Features + API: Here are the opportunities for new automation and customization, lots of potential for improvements to existing add-ins. The trend to 'eating our own dog food' is continued...
Scalability Graphics Consolidation:
- Optimized graphics for repeated materials
- Similar Elements drawn together
- Increased View drawing performance
- Graphics is a rich field for performance improvement and hundreds of tests are run constantly.
Scalability|Performance Improvements:
- Optimized family handling in memory
- Improved geometry handling
- Regeneration optimizations Note that individual developers are named in the images presented here. The long-term family separation project is included in this release, so model open and workset test are slowed down. One long-term target is to provide multi-processor support for regeneration.
Productivity | Sketchy Lines: New visualizations in standard Views. Modify Sketchy Lines visibility in Views using the View methods GetSketchyLines and SetSketchyLines. Jitter etc. is adjustable.