Reinforced Concrete Beam Column Multistorey Frame Connections

It is a sample CAD dwg drawing that contains entire set of Reinforced Concrete Beam Column Multistorey Frame Connections. The drawing demonstrates a standard multistoried building frame having 3 diverse foundations types, beam-column connections for middle floor exterior and internal connections, cantilever beam support and top floor beam-column connections.
Top floor column reinforcement is provided differently in detail at the top floor frame level as compared to the other middle storied beam-column joints.
The frame represents a frame with 2 spans ( 3 columns ) and 3 floors, along with cantilevered concrete beams on one side. This fact is applied as a standard detail with each project devoid of the size or height of the building as it consists of all potential joints of any building frame.
This drawing utilizes details out of the reinforced concrete library, accumulated collectively at a 20% discounted price.
• Footing Foundation Column Support
• Reinforced Concrete Column Supported on Mat Spread Foundation
• Eccentric Footing Foundation Column Support Detail
• Reinforced Concrete Beam Column End Support Detail
• Internal Column Beam Frame Support Detail
• Cantilever Concrete Beam Reinforcement Detail with adjucent continuous beam
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