The users can use Revit 2016, to carry out Energy Analysis in a perfect and authentic way. The Conceptual Mass Mode and Use Building Element Mode, which contained in previous version, are now eliminated from the ribbon and are accessible in the Energy Settings dialog under the Analysis Mode pull down menu. A supplementary analysis mode-Use Conceptual Masses and Building Elements are now integrated facilitating users to carry out energy analysis on the model efficiently and precisely in case of transmitting the model from concept to detail design and the model contains these designs.
In case the chosen analysis mode includes building elements, while choosing Show Energy Model, Revit generates a 3D Energy Model view, and schedules toward Analytical Spaces and Analytical Surfaces which are analyzed and revised prior to conducting the energy simulation over the analytical model.
In Revit 2016, there exist a create energy model tool and it can be used to produce an energy analytical model. The users can view the model directly inside Revit and they don't have to export the model through any third party programs to view it. Thus the users will gain superior control to ratify and check the energy analytical model for performing energy analysis in a greater and perfect manner.