Eagle Point Adds Civil 3D 2018 Content to Pinnacle Series

Eagle Point Software Corp., an Autodesk AND Partner, declared about the inclusion of AutoCAD Civil 3D 2018 content to the Pinnacle Series, that facilitates the AEC organizations to instantly reap the benefit of the new features available in the newest version of AutoCAD Civil 3D and as well as enhance the productivity as a whole.
The users can now access the most extensive library of Civil 3D content. If the customers start to utilize the 2018 release of Civil 3D, they will be able to access the complete library of 2018 content in Pinnacle Series. Various workflows, cheat sheets, videos and technical support are contained with the new release.
In pinnacle series, support will be provided for supplementary Autodesk 2018 products and additional 2018 content is also included. Once this content will be finished, all pinnacle series clients can access them instantly.