How BIM was utilized in £500M M8 M73 M74 Motorway Improvements Project in Scotland

The following construction video briefly demonstrate how BIM was utilized to create the replica of Raith Interchange, The £500M M8 M73 M74 Motorway Improvements Project in Scotland.

Besides, serving to gaming industry as well as facilitating design, build, maintain and manage construction projects, BIM becomes also very useful for major roadway projects.

Intelligent 3D models of new infrastructure consist of everything from the underground location of utility services to the type of street lighting installed as well as replacing the wattage of a bulb is also done by applying BIM.

BIM was applied to perform clash detection analysis, time-lapse visualizations and many other features which enhance project collaboration and co-ordination process significantly.

In the Raith Interchange project, BIM enhances communication and coordination among design and construction teams and leads to superior and more compliant infrastructure and save considerable time and money. Improved communication with road users and local communities is another major advantage with the use of BIM.

How BIM was utilized in £500M M8 M73 M74 Motorway Improvements Project in Scotland