Have you ever imagined the room you are sitting that is rotating? If it is a static building, but the room is moving then itself, it is incredible. The architect would be commendable for this the height of a credibility.
This amazing video would take you to this house, has three rotating bedrooms where owner can enjoy nature.
It is an award winning seven-storey structure and the design scenario is based on season.
The Balcony cubes shrink inwards into the building and in summer, it moves outside.
Around four million dollars have been spent to build this construction.
It also have been nominated for the international prize.
"This is amazing, clean and simple. The architect is so ahead of his time ...," said Adrian Thomson, an admirer.
Experts says, the rotating house would be the next big thing in the world of construction. Middle East countries, US and Europe.
This is actually a perfect for entertaining and personal enjoyment. No longer will you need to decide which rooms will have a great view and which rooms will have a minimal or no view at all - the Rotating Home allows you to see your entire view from all the major rooms in your home. If you prefer to enjoy your view in the open air, a viewing deck can surround the entire circumference, or just part, of your home. A Rotating Home may be just right for you.
You choose the speed of rotation. We recommend a variable speed from one revolution in 30 minutes to one revolution in 24 hours. A Rotating Home is perfect for an upscale beach house or large mountain cabin or even in areas prone to storm surges! Steep mountain terrain is not a problem as the Rotating Home can be built up on a central steel column.