A group of wizard of Applied Software, one of the best, national professional services company and leading Building Information Modeling (BIM) solutions provider, established the utility of Autodesk.
The occasion was a revered technology competition - BIM BAM BOOM duly presented by Orlando Chapter of the American Institute of Architects.
The venue was Valencia College West Campus - teams that participated are Applied Software, Graphisoft ArchiCAD and Nemetschek Vectorworks.
Teams battled by working with BIM, presenting their software capabilities in response to a design problem based on a historic church project in Ronchamp, France.
The Applied Software team of skilled professionals employed Autodesk's gigantic portfolio of tools, including Autodesk ® FormIt® for theoretical design; Autodesk 360® for collaboration, storage, sharing and design discussions; and Autodesk® Revit® for the bulk of the modeling.
In less than 90 minutes, the team developed an organic-shaped building with warped walls and curved roofs on the actual site; modeled the interior and exterior; completed renderings in the cloud; added contours and landscaping; completed lighting analysis and sun studies; developed a project lifecycle analysis and its environmental impact; compared energy analysis with different design iterations; and created electrical and ductwork layouts with panel schedules. Autodesk Revit's easy access to built-in tools allowed the team to use a hand-drawn look for schedules, materials, textures and 'sketchy lines.'
The Applied Software is one of the best, national professional services firm providing construction, architecture, engineering and manufacturing design strategies that help companies optimize their processes and workflow for designing and building better construction projects, factories and manufacturing products.
Image Courtesy : bigprojectme.com