Walk-Through-3D – A useful add-in for CAD professionals
Walk-Through-3D belongs to a proof of concept (POC) add-in that can associate leading CAD packages and Unity® gaming development platform.
The add-in provides support for exporting 3D model geometry to Unity so that the users can get a first-person 3D shooter game-like experience whereas employing the model as the 3D environment.
Walk-Through-3D supports is compatible with Autodesk Revit (2016 - 2018) and Rhino3D (Rhino 5 for Windows).
Given below, some exclusive features of the add-in :-
• Export of 3D model geometry containing materials and textures from Revit or Rhino to Walk-Through-3D;
• Handling of the consequent 3D model in a identical fashion to a 3D first-person shooter game;
• Creation of a seperate implementable package to view the exported model in a three-dimensional illustration that needs neither CAD software nor Unity installations.
Walk-Through-3D for Autodesk Revit offers the following exclusive features :
• capability to use weather effects;
• capability to modify light source settings;
• support of HTC® Vive virtual reality headset and controllers;
• support of Intel® RealSense™ camera;
• map option allows users to teleport to any point in the model.
To watch online demonstration, go through the following video.