Procurement through Collaborative BIM

A few key steps in the Collaborative BIM procurement for the clients and the Central premise say that they can start it from the end. They also say that:
? Identify and priorities key BIM assets
? Define and develop processes that support each BIM asset
? Identify the information that exchanges for each process
? Implement BIM workflow s and processes
Collaboration is needed in the BIM over the whole lifecycle of the project. With increasing BIM adaptation and maturity, the collaborative working and procurement can be improved. BIM is related with international, national, regional and local standards with a determined aim that is relevant to all projects.
The benefits of Collaborative BIM during the Procurement phase: The multiple benefits of early planning of collaborative BIM are
? BIM can create the information in the right time for avoiding the need of reprocessing information unsuccessfully.
? There is a project data classification aligned with the employer’s management system where BIM objects are not populated with the operational data.
? There are enhancing display technologies that enable whole teams to simultaneously collaborate with the review of the project’s digital model.
? This methods and technologies are helping the improvements in the construction health and safety by taking many actions.
? By working in a shared data environment and by using mobile onsite technologies, it can save carbons.
The challenges of Collaborative BIM during the Procurement phase:
? Complexity: Procurement is a complex process as it has many supply routes that depends on the client, their scale, sector etc. As the disorganized procurement process reduces the gaining productivity so challenging them will improve the productivity.
? Reluctance to change: Collaborative working is joined with the skepticism and reluctance for undertaking the change from traditional work practices that represent the cultural shift in the industry. Honesty, trust, openness are the representation of the cultural shift that can be achieved through a program of collaborative working.
? Robust client advice required: Clients should be properly advised by the consultants with the collaborative BIM for enabling them for making the informed choices and many more.
? Client skills and BIM maturity: The success of a project is dependent on the capability of the team and maturity of the customer’s systems. The situation can be operated with the client body specially6 among some terms. There are also short-time planning strategies and besides this the users may not be defined. A critical role can be one of a digital integrator who will serve clients by coordinating stakeholders and progressing through the necessary level of details.
? Inefficient information transfer: Data transfer is the most inefficiency affecting outcome and cost that can bring all necessary skills together when some difficulties happen.
Collaborative BIM Procurement Opportunity: With the comeback of BIM and spreading skills there is an opportunity to start to procurement processes for providing improved construction information management system. The needed efficiencies can be created by incorporating the principals of soft landing and adopting more collaboration like supply models, delivery formats, frameworks etc. Organizers can agree to collaborate that have the identified benefits by aligning their purchasing power and resourcing the financial savings etc. without affecting their service quality.
Next steps in Collaborative BIM Procurement:
? Collaborative procurement as standard: In this time the partnering, frameworks, strategic alliances are supported by a clear set of systems and a combined team with the design contributions can generate undeniable benefits which can overcome any challenges. It is important to understand the BIM and collaborative working better and place them in procurement and contracting context.
? Meaningful Relationship: A single collaborative procurement process to suit all is unlikely as it needs partnering, frameworks, strategic alliances etc. the importance of information models is the common cause where it should be ensured. The relationship between the clients and suppliers should be good.
? Focus on Client BIM Capability: The govt. BIM guidance is biased towards the larger project to support the BIM implementation. There are some data stats points to a wider for addressing the clients’ capabilities around BIM.
The BIM services for all kind of project phases is provided by IndiaCAD also in the procurement phase in the case of the alignment of the standards and contracts with collaborative BIM methodologies and techniques for enabling a good relationship to develop and also to enhance the client capability.
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