Nemetschek Vectorworks, Inc. and Synchro Software Ltd. have tied up to offer accurately open and adjustable collaboration connecting architectural modeling and construction planning BIM tools. Both companies are well recognized for propagating of open BIM systems in design and construction and implementing open standards-based data exchange to boost up the effectiveness of the industry. Besides, both companies provide great support for the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) file format toward an interoperability solution for any clients.
The motto of Vectorworks is to facilitate the designers through innovative freedom, and interoperability for performing with other collaborators to revamp their imaginative visions to a real world. Synchro Software also takes the responsibilities for providing support to open standard for the sake of all project stakeholders associated with the design and construction progression.
In a recent large BIM project both the software were applied for constructing two metro subway stations located at Sao Paulo, Brazil. The Consortium Heleno & Fonseca and the TIISA successfully employed BIM technology towards support for studies and planning of the stations Eucaliptos and Moema, both part of the development of line five of the Sao Paulo metro. Vectorworks Architect software was applied for the creation of the BIM models of the stations and for computing perfect estimates regarding volumes & areas of various building components of the 3D models. Synchro was utilized to combine the components of the model to the schedule activities, in addition to produce the 4D analysis.
4D analysis is very useful for enhancing speed and perfectness in reviewing the construction schedule alternatives, superior adaptability and swiftness in taking decision, the formation of instructive presentations of the work catering to external stakeholders with short videos, and visualization of the structures and equipment in diverse segments associated with the project.