Benefits of BIM to Building Construction Professionals

BIM provides huge benefits to the BIM professionals who are mainly responsible to develop a portion of the design and construction process. Given below the detail lists of benefits which BIM offers to all the communities.

Architects: BIM facilitates the architects and designers to generate and convey design intent and realize performance, appearance, and cost in the initial phase of the building design process. By applying the software like Autodesk Architecture, architects will be able to obtain and evaluate design concepts more conveniently and precisely, whereas preserve coordinated and authentic design data via documentation and construction.

Structural engineers: The structural engineers are mostly benefited with BIM. They can use BIM to model various components like Elements steel columns, beams and trusses. The structural engineers along with detailers and fabricators apply BIM to optimize structural design documentation, reduce errors, and make collaboration better among team members.

Construction Managers, General Contractors: General contractors employ BIM based simulations and renderings for making presentation to their clients. The contractors can apply Navisworks for conflict resolution, and 4D BIM simulations for substantiating MEP work and coordination with BIM to create reduction in direct schedules, boost productivity as well as minimize direct cost.

Fabricators: BIM minimizes clashes and helps in creating error-free building plans. As the fabrication of materials is performed precisely, the waste is minimized significantly and at the same time, time is saved through pre-assembly. Revit structure speeds up the structural fabrication process by putting up all geometrical information concerning the structural steel in the Revit Structure design model.

MEP Engineers: MEP engineers employ BIM for modeling of bigger components like duct systems and air handlers as well as smaller components like electrical switches and outlets etc. Autodesk Revit MEP provides perfect and time-saving solutions to MEP teams.

Owners: With BIM the owners and operators acquire competencies during the lifecycle of a building project ranging from design and construction phases through to occupancy which lead to superior facility management and O&M. Thus, the owners can maintain and operate the buildings in a superior manner.

Specialty Contractors: The specialty contractors reap high value from BIM. Sub-contractors are small or medium sized firms if compared to general contractors. The specialty contractors can use BIM based software for improved modeling and visualization, faster quantity takeoff for item quantification, coordination, communication and additional visualization.

Building Product Manufacturers: Autodesk Revit Family Creation software can be used for importing product models from extensively used CAD tools. It unfolds new revenue opportunities by giving emphasis on producing smart, connected building products.

Benefits of BIM to Building Construction Professionals
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