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Trimble Announces iPad Field Fitting Input App for HVAC Sheet Metal Contractors and Fabricators
10th April 2012
SUNNYVALE, Calif., April 10, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Trimble announced today its Trimble® Field Fitting Input App for the Apple iPad, providing contractors the ability to rapidly collect accurate sheet metal dimension information in the field and then share with the fabrication shop for output.
By using the Trimble Field Fitting Input app, field personnel can reduce or eliminate errors resulting from the creation of incorrect dimensions for sheet metal ductwork which are then translated to the fabrication shop. As part of the Apple iPad app, contractors can utilize standard company defaults and fittings from their Vulcan® CAM software, and email the sheet metal dimensional information back to the fabrication shop to automatically produce the required ductwork fitting.
"Leveraging technology such as Apple's iPad platform as a means of delivering new levels of speed and accuracy to the process of drawing sheet metal fittings in the field is what Trimble's BIM to Field vision is all about," said Pat Bohle, general manager of Trimble's Building Construction Division. "With Trimble Field Fitting Input, we have removed the manual process of measuring, documenting, and then transporting sheet metal fitting information back to the shop and replaced it with an intuitive digital workflow app for the iPad."
The Trimble Field Fitting Input App is available today and can be downloaded via the Apple App Store at: www.itunes.com . The app includes functionality for field fitting input and is compatible with the user's Vulcan CAM software under a current service plan.
About Trimble's Building Construction Business
Trimble's Building Construction Division is a leading innovator of productivity solutions for the building construction contractor. Trimble's solutions target general, concrete, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing contractors on large and small commercial, industrial and residential jobsites. Trimble is focused on delivering solutions that tightly link office based process and information with the field crew--including taking Building Information Modeling (BIM) and other design data to the field for highly accurate positioning and layout of foundations and mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems. Trimble solutions provide a high-level of process and workflow integration from the design phase through to the finished project--delivering significant improvements in productivity throughout the building construction lifecycle.
About Trimble
Trimble applies technology to make field and mobile workers in businesses and government significantly more productive. Solutions are focused on applications requiring position or location--including surveying, construction, agriculture, fleet and asset management, public safety and mapping. In addition to utilizing positioning technologies, such as GPS, lasers and optics, Trimble solutions may include software content specific to the needs of the user. Wireless technologies are utilized to deliver the solution to the user and to ensure a tight coupling of the field and the back office. Founded in 1978, Trimble is headquartered in Sunnyvale, Calif.
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