Supergeo Technologies, the renowned solution provider in GIS software, has developed SuperGIS 3D Earth Server. SuperGIS 3D Earth is recognized as a professional enterprise level product. With its core SuperGIS Engine Server, SuperGIS 3D Earth Server can easily demonstrate GIS data facilitates the users in discovering geographic space or spatial relation with data.
The clould based SuperGIS 3D Earth Server facilitates the users to apply desktop software ranging from SuperGIS Desktop or SuperGIS Map Designer and circulate data through web as a 3D map service to a host set up with SuperGIS 3D Earth Server software. Besides, users will be able to deal with the published services or websites via browsers (e.g. Google Chrome) to sign in SuperGIS 3D Earth Manager for making use of data or functions supplied on server.
The latest version is SuperGIS 3D Earth Server 3.2 and it is expected to be launched in 2014. This upcoming product will generate real time 3D visualization and combine superior analysis functions. With SuperGIS 3D Earth Server 3.2, the user will be able to handle, amalgamate, distribute, and present geographic as well as spatial data in 3D perception. Besides it can superimpose terrain and generate models involving GIS data. The professional cartographers will get the ability to edit and sketch maps more efficiently.