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Construction Apps Extend Functionality
Mobile apps for both work and play are gaining steam as mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, continue to be used both personally and professionally. But until recently, many construction professionals have been using more generic business apps on mobile devices in the field, as opposed to industry-specific solutions.
This is beginning to change, as more and more construction software providers are now offering mobile apps that complement their product solutions.
Yesterday Bentley Systems, www.bentley.com, Exton, Pa., announced plans to extend the review and markup capabilities of its Navigator V8i for iPad. Bentley Navigator allows infrastructure teams to dynamically navigate, view, and mark up models for design review and coordination.
Bentley says panoramic navigation allows users to navigate models by moving an iPad as though it were “a window into the model within which they are virtually immersed.” The company also says it plans on introducing apps for other mobile-device platforms, including Android devices and BlackBerry’s Playbook.
This follows the recent news that Autodesk,www.autodesk.com, San Rafael, Calif., now offers the AutoCAD WS mobile app for iPhone, iPad, and now Android, allowing users to open drawings, sync files from the Web, and upload drawings directly from AutoCAD software. These advances are going to help construction professionals take drawings, and ultimately the entire BIM (building information modeling) process, to the field.
Beyond just sharing drawings and models via apps, other technology providers are extending their project-management and collaboration capabilities to mobile devices in the field. One company, Aconex, www.aconex.com, San Bruno, Calif., has done just that by releasing Aconex Mobile for iPhone—an application that aims to add the benefits of mobility to construction project collaboration.
Aconex Mobile users will be able to manage day-to-day collaboration tasks, plus create and access information from anywhere. Therefore, project managers and team members can remain productive even while away from the office.
Source :- http://www.constructech.com