5 AUTO LISP routines that every AutoCAD drafter must know about

What is LISP? LISP is a known computer programming language with a long history and an original, fully parenthesized prefix notion. It is the second-oldest high level programming language in widespread use today.
LISP has changed a lot since its early days and today it is best known as general purpose Lisp dialects with Common Lisp and Scheme.
What is AutoLISP? It is a dialect of the LISP programming language that is built specifically for using with the full version of AutoCAD. It is used for creating programs for AutoCAD which are not in the software. Most of the manual commands that can be used are automated for increasing productivity. All kinds of weird and beautiful things LISP can do. The most popular top 5 LISPs programs are given here:
1. Incremental Numbering Suite: This is created by lee Mac. This program enables the user for placing dynamically the alphabet or numerical text in any drawing with many positioning utilities and an optional prefix.
2. Double offset: This program works in much the same way as the standard offset command works.
3. Trim around: It is a text by Yuqun Lian. He was a routine writer who wrote a text string to the drawing and then broke any lines or polylines etc which can intersect an imaginary box around the text. That text is placed on the recent layer by using the current style. LSP can make multiple labeling very convenient by the default input and repeat capabilities of TB.
4. Batch attribute Editor: This is a great tool for updating title blocks basically on the bigger projects. This program helps the user for modifying the values of different attributed blocks across various drawings.
5. Block count: Lee Mac’s Block Count enables the user for recording the quantities of a selecting area or dynamic blocks in the workable drawing. The results can be displayed at the AutoCAD command-line and written to a Text or CSV file or other place where it can be available.
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Image Courtesy: cadpanacea.com